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Pedro Ignacio G.

Pedro Ignacio G. está actualmente en: CP INF-PRI ANTONIO MACHADO

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Título Tipo de contenido Fecha Acciones
ARTHROPODS PROJECT. 3º B Vídeo19-03-2024
ARTHROPODS PROJECT. 3º A Vídeo19-03-2024
Tarea 2.1 - Infografías con Canva. Mejore la CDD nivel B Vídeo29-06-2023
Tarea 2.2 - Presentaciones con Canva. Mejore la CDD nivel B Vídeo29-06-2023
TAREA 3. Mejore la CDD - B. ACCESIBILIDAD/SUBTÍTULOS Vídeo28-06-2023
ENTREGA TAREA 1 - Mejore la CDD - B Vídeo28-06-2023
5th GRADERS ART PROJECT Vídeo14-06-2022
English. Tuesday 19th of January Vídeo17-01-2021
English. Week 11 Plan. Monday, 8th of June Vídeo03-06-2020
Social S. Week 12 Plan. Tuesday, 16th of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Social S. Week 12 Plan. Thursday, 18th of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Social S. Week 11 Plan. Thursday, 11th of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Social S. Week 11 Plan. Tuesday, 9th of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Social S. Week 10 Plan. Thursday, 4th of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Social S. Week 10 Plan. Tuesday, 2nd of June Vídeo27-05-2020
Natural S. Week 12 Plan. Wednesday, 17th of June Vídeo26-05-2020
Natural S. Week 12 Plan. Monday, 15th of June Vídeo26-05-2020
Natural S. Week 11 Plan. Monday, 8th of June Vídeo26-05-2020
Natural S. Week 10 Plan. Monday, 1st of June Vídeo26-05-2020
English. Week 10 Plan. Thursday, 4th of May Vídeo25-05-2020
English. Week 10 Plan. Monday, 1st of June Vídeo25-05-2020
Social S. Week 9 Plan. Animation Vídeo21-05-2020
Social S. Week 9 Plan. Thursday, 28th of May Vídeo21-05-2020
Social S. Week 9 Plan. Tuesday, 26th of May Vídeo21-05-2020
Natural S. Week 9 Plan. Wednesday, 27th of May Vídeo20-05-2020
Natural S. Week 9 Plan. Monday,25th of May Vídeo20-05-2020
English. Week 9 Plan. Thursday, 28th of May Vídeo19-05-2020
English. Week 9 Plan. Wednesday, 27th of May Vídeo19-05-2020
English. Week 9 Plan. Tuesday, 26th of May Vídeo19-05-2020
ENGLISH 3. UNIT 3. SESSION 5 Vídeo14-05-2020
ENGLISH 3. UNIT 3. SESSION 4 Vídeo14-05-2020
ENGLISH 3. UNIT 3. SESSION 3 Vídeo14-05-2020
ENGLISH 3. UNIT 3. SESSION 2 Vídeo14-05-2020
ENGLISH 3. UNIT 3. SESSION 1 Vídeo14-05-2020
Social S. Week 8 Plan. Wednesday, 20th of May Vídeo12-05-2020
Social S. Week 8 Plan. Tuesday, 19th of May Vídeo12-05-2020
English. Week 8 Plan. Thursday, 21st of May Vídeo12-05-2020
English. Week 8 Plan. Wednesday, 20th of May Vídeo12-05-2020
English. Week 8 Plan. Tuesday, 19th of May Vídeo11-05-2020
Natural S. Week 8 Plan. Monday, 18th of May Vídeo11-05-2020
Natural Science. Unit 5. Diet Vídeo06-05-2020
Natural S. Week 7 Plan. Wednesday, 13th of May Vídeo05-05-2020
English. Week 7 Plan. Thursday, 14th of May Vídeo05-05-2020
English. Week 7 Plan. Tuesday, 12th of May Vídeo05-05-2020
English. Week 7 Plan. Monday, 11th of May Vídeo05-05-2020
English. Week 6 Plan. Thursday, 7th of May Vídeo30-04-2020
English. Week 6 Plan. Friday, 8th of May Vídeo30-04-2020
Social S. Week 6 Plan. Thursday, 7th of May Vídeo29-04-2020
Natural S. Week 7 Plan. Monday, 11th of May Vídeo29-04-2020
English. Week 6 Plan. Monday, 4th of May Vídeo29-04-2020
ENGLISH - WEEK 5 PLAN Vídeo27-04-2020

EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid